Tid-Bits: Veil by Sakuma Ren (Hana to Yume Online)

Not sure if I mentioned this but I got an ipad Air for Christmas :D This makes reading things hella convenient. Not hatin’ on my phone but it’s not meant for comfortable readings. When I can read a whole page without having to zoom in or move about, it makes the experience so much better ~ Today I present to you a read I just finished on the Hana to Yume Online site :3 It’s called Veil ~


(the reason why I mentioned the ipad present – the pictures I took were screenshots so you get to enjoy seeing my battery life in the upper corner :P)

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Norn9 Prologue (Translations)

Remember awhile back I said I’d do translation projects to boost my Japanese abilities? When was that again? June? And it’s what? October. … Well, hey! Better late than never right? :D And thus the reason for this post!

In the July issue of Sylph was a preview of a new series, Norn9. Norn9 itself is an otome game. I have no idea really what the plot is. From the prologue, it seems kinda…weird lol.

A nice bonus with this edition of Sylph’s Translations (tentative name) is that I included RAWs as well. I gave it a shot with scanning, photoshopping, and typesetting – all that scan clan funness. Was interesting (translation: no it wasn’t) ~ I purposely made the RAWs fugly though so others won’t be tempted to grab it ~ No mangafox. You cannot has.

Without further ado, here is the prologue. It should be noted that I have no desire to follow the series and scan it. F dat. I can barely keep this blog afloat hur hur ~ I just love translating these random previews posted in Sylph :3

July 2013 Aria

So awhile back I posted about my switch from Lala to Aria and let me tell you…Aria got some weirdass shit in it. I didn’t pay attention at first because I was distracted by the pretty pictures. July 2013 was actually the first issue of Aria I sampled before deciding to go with the switch. However, I didn’t read anything since most of the stuff inside was ongoing, and I was swamped by work but that’s another story. The thing I noticed though was that this issue had new stuff and the following issue was to have new things as well. Figuring this to be a sign, I decided to give Aria a go. 3 months later, my shelves now hold 4 issues, all untouched. Thankfully, I recently found some effort laying around and got around to reading the July issue.

And dude, whoa.

Just…let me tell you…no. Let me show you what was the first thing I saw…You know what. I’ll just link you to it. It’s kind of NSFW so make sure your parents aren’t right behind you. Click here to see what I saw. My first thought was: I have made a grave mistake. The second thought was, I am intrigued. Yeah, I’m a weirdo like that.

The weirdness didn’t just stop with the above image. Nope. The whole magazine was chock full of ( Д ) ゚ ゚ (SHOCK) moments. But you know, I didn’t mind it too much. Aria was definitely a nice break from the other stuff out there I’ve been reading. Still doesn’t change the fact the content was weird as fuck though haha.

Thus this post ~ I’ll be doing something similar like I do with Sylph. However, the main difference is I’ll only summarize a few series rather than the whole magazine. Don’t worry though, I’ll still include the cover pages for the other titles in Aria ~ Oogle at the art with me my flamingos ~ :3

Note that I wrote this preamble just now but the rest of the content was done over the weekend so sorry if after the cut things seem a bit jumbled at first ~ Enjoy!


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June 2013 Sylph

coverofsylph copy

Finally, I post about something Sylph wise! I’m only, what, 5 months late? Hur hur. The June issue of Sylph is pretty anorexic in terms of content. The whole magazine was super light. But don’t worry – future volumes are fatter. No Shounen Oujo though. I’ve got the issues all the way to the most current and there ain’t no new chapters :< Sigh. That aside, here you all go!

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Ane Lala Part III (final)

Hoho! So I actually did stick to the plan! Here is the final portion of my Ane Lala summaries/rant/blahs ~

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01.2013 Lala Part I

iconMan, I finally got punked by google maps. My friends and I were going to see the movie “Rise of the Guardians” yesterday but it turned out we were going to a different movie theater than usual. I typed the name of the theater into my phone and was given a location. At first I was like, damn, son. This is a bit of the way but whatevers. I started to drive down to the location and instantly things turned seedy. Then I get to the spot google maps tells me to go to and there’s no movie theater.

There’s no movie theater.



There’s only a grocery store.









Someone sent you to kill me google maps because that’s probably what was going to happen to me if I hadn’t gotten my butt out of there ASAP! Thankfully, typing in the movie theater’s name in google via safari and using the address google maps provided in google helped me get to the right location.


And I barely made it. I’m thankful my friends were so patient with me ; A ; The movie was awesome ~ Jack Frost, people. Only reason I went to see the movie. Not disappointed at all. Well…maybe had Jack taken his shirt off…hey, it’s cool. He’s 400 years old. That’s legal.

I’m really interested in reading the books now (apparently the books have a lot of backstory on the characters!). Maybe my local library will have them x3

Afterwards, we went to my friend’s house and played Cards Against Humanity. I’m so glad I bought the game. We had a hilariously great time. You learn a lot about people when you play CAH xD If you don’t know what Cards Against Humanity is, it’s like that kid’s game Apples to Apples except for horrible people like ourselves. It’s got dirty stuff, wtf stuff, and plain WRONG stuff…but it’s awesome fun. Man, I wished I had taken pictures of some of our winning hands because they were seriously messed up hilarious.


Now that I’ve gotten my fantastic adventures with google maps out of the way, let’s talk Lala. As a present to myself for reasons that will be explained later, I’ve decided to start collecting the monthly magazine Lala! I figured with 4 new series starting here soon, it was the perfect time to join on board. Plus I get to see the latest chapters of Natsume’s Book of Friends and Library Wars 8D Don’t worry folks. I’m still collecting Sylph (that’s my life and butter, children). I was actually back to reading Sylph after finishing the 11.2012 issue of Lala DX when my package arrived xD And you know how people get when they have new stuff….I instantly grabbed…well, I grabbed the newest issue of Sylph first to read Shounen Oujo (omfg…so hetero…) but then I grabbed Lala to check it out ~

Thus, I’ll be writing magazine posts for Lala as well :3 I’m hoping if I force myself to write for both Sylph and Lala, it’ll help motivate me to keep on track with my mags and my blog….though I think my blog may become a little dead here soon due to holidays and what not! That said, here’s the first of 3 installments on Lala!

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July 2012 Comic Sylph


Oh yeahhhhh folks! It’s that time of the month again! …okay, not THAT time of the month. But it’s that time of the month when Sylphalchemist posts about Comic Sylph! …so what if I’m like three issues behind? Just means I get to know what happens before you all xP *thumbs up* Lol jk

(unless you read Comic Sylph or look else where for spoils xD).

The July 2012 issue is pretty skinny, probably due to all the series that have recently ended, but have no fear~! That just means Sylph has more room for new series <3

PS. I’ve broken up the post into pages (well, I hope I did…I’m still playing with the coding) so your computers won’t be overwhelmed by the pictures and my blahings xD

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Tid Bits: Kuranoa Vol 2 Part II

And following closely on the heels of Part I is Part II! Sweet! 8D Enjoy the conclusion of Kuranoa ~

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Tid-Bits: Kuranoa Vol 2 Part I


While cleaning up things on my blog, a shocking realization hit me: I have only 2 completed Tid-Bits in my project file: Petit Four and SLH .____.||| WTF!? Look how many are in the ongoing section! How lazy am I!? щ(゚ロ゚щ)

This revelation has sparked a flaming (as in burning hot not ghey) desire in me! To finish what I have started! AND WE START WITH KURANOA!

(that’ll way I can start new projects without feelings guilty ~ )

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Spoilers: Hana Ori Soushi ending

So playing this video game called L.A. Noire. In this game you’re a detective and you solve shit. Well, I had a guy in the interrogation room and was reading off my list of questions for the creep. I clicked one and next thing I know, my character goes “Do you like to fuck little boys, sir?



Did NOT expect to hear that! But that would explain the contents of the notebook I got from an old man at the scene of the crime. Inside, the notebook had male names and strange descriptions under them. Like, Frank – slim hips ~ Me: o__o whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?

Yeah, just wanted to share that. Ahem, back to the topic at hand!

One other series also ended in the June 2012 SylphHana Ori Soushi :___: Noooooesss, I was hoping this series would have had at least one more volume. Damnnnnnnnn. However, unlike Engage Knight, Hana Ori Soushi doesn’t end as fail-y. It has some face o____o moments but otherwise I’m satisfied with the ending.

Though I would have liked more… *spoken like a greedy child xD*


“So…who do you choose?”

Probably best not to ask that question when you’re making a raper face, Chiharu’s bro…

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