Post Just to Say Hey

kanaLook at me actually posting something. Man, I can’t believe the last time I was on this site was back in July. Where did the time go?

Lots of shiz happened. I was doing a lot of OT to put money in the bank – working those holidays and weekends meant more $$$ and living in NYC is expensive! I plan on leaving this city one day soon (hopefully not in a body bag) and that means Imma gonna need moving money. Also, it’s nice just to have money in the bank just in case of emergencies.

I had a lot of hangouts with coworker friends – happy hours, movies, Broadway shows, events, etc. I flew out to Arizona with a couple of coworkers when one of us got selected for a conference out there and did the tourist thing (gardens, zoos, shopping, etc). Even joined my friend and ended up doing a 14 hour bus tour to see the sights including the Grand Canyon. I was like asleep for ~8 of the hours because cars make me sleepy when I’m not driving plus waking up at 5 to catch the bus didn’t help but it was great to see the Canyon again.

For Halloween, my crew and I last minute dressed up as the Spice Girls – somehow I got elected to be Sporty Spice and we scrambled all across Union Square trying to look for a hair extension piece for me (since I had cut my hair short this past summer so my usual locks were not present hur hur).

Also I can finally say I have visited all 5 boroughs of NYC – just recently my friends and I went to Staten Island for a Lantern Festival held at the botanical garden there. Was definitely an experience haha.

But 2018 wasn’t without it’s sad moments. My little pupper of 13 years unfortunately passed in November. It all happened super quick. Cancer is a scary thing… Thankfully she went peacefully. The holidays have generally sucked for my family since it’s a sad reminder of those who have passed on and won’t be celebrating with us no more, so this upcoming holiday season is gonna be extra sad without her around. It hasn’t really hit me since I’m up in NYC and she was down in Texas being cared for by my dad, but when I go home soon is probably when reality will set in for me.

Before I bring this post down too much, let’s switch gears to manga before I end off. Unfortunately I stopped updating my placeholder post even though I was still reading. I’m going to try again with 2019! Let’s see how much manga I can get through :J I’ll try to post little weekly spotlights that briefly show what I liked/maybe didn’t like (like the one I just wrote before I posted this). I’m no reviewer tho. I’m literally “I liked this. It was fun” or “This shit was the equivalent of stepping in fresh dog shit. It smells. It leaves you feeling nasty. And only the weird would take pleasure in this warm anal clay.”

I’m also hoping that since I finally got my ipad pro and Apple Pencil (I got my dad an iPad for his birthday (me: yaya I’m finally able to buy my dad a nice present!) and he was all, WELL  I’M BUYING YOU THE PRO THEN! (me: but I…ok)), I’ll be able to post monthly Kurosaki chapter summaries (maybe others but for right now, my main focus is on my unhealthy love for this series. It’s a dumpster fire, I know, but I’ll gladly watch it all burn haha). I’m not sure if I’ll start with this upcoming chapter or the next one. Maybe the next one since I’ll be leaving for Texas here next week and I will definitely not be doing anything manga related haha

Em, oh wait, when does Kingdom Hearts 3 come out again? Cuz I’ve been waiting years for that shiz – I don’t even understand the plot. I’m just here for the Disney characters and murdering with giant bedazzled house keys.

So maybe the next next chapter :p


JP manga reads for Dec I


Tibetan Sand Fox Sunaoka-san by Qrice

I remember seeing this guy’s stuff on twitter once and I ended up following him. He’s known more I think for his other cartoon staring this fat orange cat (no, not Garfield haha) but I really prefer Sunaoka-san. Color me surprised when I saw this tank at Kinokuniya during their Black Friday sale (randomly hidden in the crafts area of all places)!

I really enjoyed relieving Sunaoka’s life again. He has a hardcore rbf but a heart of gold. Reading about his kind deeds made me the reader want to follow more in his example (but I’m not chasing down no purse snatcher. I already witnessed early this year someone getting socked in the face for tripping a thief – yeah it was nuts!).


Abe-kun ni Nerawaretemasu by Iwai Aki

Pretty obvious why I bought this tank haha. I was highly curious how MUSCALS ended up on the cover of a BetsuFure series. Turns out Abe-kun is actually serialize in an online mag/site called Palcy, which would explain why it seems this series seems to have more…flexibility in terms of its content.  Anyway, this was fun trash to read haha. I love that we have muscles everywhere ~ I’m looking forward to seeing what kind of muscular shojo insanity is in store for us :D


Ore no Hitsuji-chan! by Fukawa Miki

I really enjoyed Kawaii ni mo Hodo ga Aru! so I wanted to try her other work, Ore no Hitsuji-chan. While Hitsuji-chan had some good lols (like the one brother constantly pulling out 10 pound bags of salt and pepper shakers to ward people away from his brother. Girl: ARE YOU A CHEF BECAUSE WHY ARE YOU LOADED WITH ALL THESE SPICES!?), it didn’t have the same laugh out loud hilarity as Kawaii. Maybe because I wasn’t a fan of any of the characters could also be a reason? Was still fun tho :J

Ojou-san to Yobanaide (1-2) by Amakura Fuyu


Omg I love the art ~ Very cute! Also these two bananas were very cute to watch as they interacted with one another. The age gap was a little creepy because it’s always creepy for me when the person is still in high school and her dude is like, a businessman/sensei/not a student. I can’t remember how big a difference their age was – if it was less than 10 years, exactly 10 years, or more than 10 years – but I just kinda ignored their ages since the art made them look roughly the same age haha

Kocchi ni Mite yo, Hidaka (1-2) by Ishizawa Umi


Lol, I had forgotten all about this series! I didn’t realize it had been completed :p The story was shojo cute though the art sometimes bugged me. I’m not a fan of the Boku ni Hana no Melancholy less than 1 millimeter distance between the dot-nose and mouth spacing with like 10 miles of chin faces. I loved the side profiles this manga-ka draws though. They were proportional to a normal face but then when the character looked dead on to the reader, the lips got sucked right back up to the middle of the face haha.

Forgot to mention I was a little disappointed the choir bit of this story was forgotten in favor of love drama. I felt maybe had this series been longer, instead of rushing to get the two together, we could have had some mention beyond the first 2 chapters of the main girl trying to harmonize and work with her choir. But the romance took priority haha.


Ai Kotoba: Koi no Meigen, Ai no Kakugen by Matsu Kana

A random buy during one of Kino’s sales. The art on the cover caught my eye and that meant instant buy haha. The shorts inside are based on quotes from famous people I don’t know since I’m horrible with names hur hur. It was interesting to see how those quotes helped to influence or drive the main character of each short. I liked all of shorts save one, where I’m like, this guy is trash. Take him to the curbside girl, you can do better.