July 2013 Aria

So awhile back I posted about my switch from Lala to Aria and let me tell you…Aria got some weirdass shit in it. I didn’t pay attention at first because I was distracted by the pretty pictures. July 2013 was actually the first issue of Aria I sampled before deciding to go with the switch. However, I didn’t read anything since most of the stuff inside was ongoing, and I was swamped by work but that’s another story. The thing I noticed though was that this issue had new stuff and the following issue was to have new things as well. Figuring this to be a sign, I decided to give Aria a go. 3 months later, my shelves now hold 4 issues, all untouched. Thankfully, I recently found some effort laying around and got around to reading the July issue.

And dude, whoa.

Just…let me tell you…no. Let me show you what was the first thing I saw…You know what. I’ll just link you to it. It’s kind of NSFW so make sure your parents aren’t right behind you. Click here to see what I saw. My first thought was: I have made a grave mistake. The second thought was, I am intrigued. Yeah, I’m a weirdo like that.

The weirdness didn’t just stop with the above image. Nope. The whole magazine was chock full of ( Д ) ゚ ゚ (SHOCK) moments. But you know, I didn’t mind it too much. Aria was definitely a nice break from the other stuff out there I’ve been reading. Still doesn’t change the fact the content was weird as fuck though haha.

Thus this post ~ I’ll be doing something similar like I do with Sylph. However, the main difference is I’ll only summarize a few series rather than the whole magazine. Don’t worry though, I’ll still include the cover pages for the other titles in Aria ~ Oogle at the art with me my flamingos ~ :3

Note that I wrote this preamble just now but the rest of the content was done over the weekend so sorry if after the cut things seem a bit jumbled at first ~ Enjoy!


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