
To tell you the truth, I never really knew what drama CDs were about xD
I thought they were about…singing or something <- yeah, lame I know OTL
I actually got to listen to a drama CD the other day.
It was for Kuranoa. I must say, I really liked it. The part I listened to pretty much covered the first chapter of the manga. However, it added extra tid-bits that made the story flow better. However, I like the manga because I got pictures to go along with the voices x3
The only downside about drama CDs is they cost an arm and a leg to import!
I wonder if itunes would ever consider selling drama cds…

I talk about drama CDs because that is what the topic of this blog post translation is :D This was originally posted on Comic Sylph’s official blog February 4th, 2011.

Title: The drama CD of everyone’s favorite series, Fujoshissu!, is out!

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