電撃Girl’s Style 3月号記事のお詫びと訂正 お客様各位

Dang, just when I catch up, Sylph starts to spam the crap out of their blog!
But actually, this is a good thing because that means more experience!
(it just sucks that I’m behind…)
And at least from this article, we now know what series is going to be featured in the May Issue of Sylph :D
(I was kind of hoping Zeele Sacrifice, since it has NEVER been on the cover, but I guess it’s not that popular =x I’m surprised Sylph hasn’t just canned it)
(It’s Chikage – he threatened to beat their children with their children if they tried to remove Zeele Sacrifice. You can’t give me any disproving look because you know it’s true. Chikage needs happy pills…and for someone to take that sword away from him…).
This article was originally posted on Comic Sylph official blog February 12, 2011

Title: An apology and correction to an article featured in the March Issue of Dengeki Girl’s Style

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To tell you the truth, I never really knew what drama CDs were about xD
I thought they were about…singing or something <- yeah, lame I know OTL
I actually got to listen to a drama CD the other day.
It was for Kuranoa. I must say, I really liked it. The part I listened to pretty much covered the first chapter of the manga. However, it added extra tid-bits that made the story flow better. However, I like the manga because I got pictures to go along with the voices x3
The only downside about drama CDs is they cost an arm and a leg to import!
I wonder if itunes would ever consider selling drama cds…

I talk about drama CDs because that is what the topic of this blog post translation is :D This was originally posted on Comic Sylph’s official blog February 4th, 2011.

Title: The drama CD of everyone’s favorite series, Fujoshissu!, is out!

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