Lala DX 11/2012

Hello my pigeons~!

;___; oh man, it’s been so long since I’ve been on. Damn life… Not only did I miss the 3rd anniversary of my blog and my 600,000th hit, but I never got to say Happy Halloween or Happy Thanksgiving to my readers….failllllll…

Gah, let’s focus on something else: Lala DX! Yeah, it’s not Sylph. I was halfway through the September issue of Sylph when the urge to read shojo one-shots possessed me and I ended up getting Lala DX again. It’s been almost a year since I bought my last issue and I’m happy to find I can actually read the contents without too much of a struggle 8D MY SHOJO READING POWERS ARE INCREASING MUHAHAHAHA! *rolls around evilly*

After having such a nice experience being able to read reading Lala DX, I might start buying more issues again. Here’s a random quick peek into the Lala DX 11.2012 issue :3 (pictures are taken with my camera because Lala DX is fat and hard to scan ~)

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