Lala DX 11/2012

Hello my pigeons~!

;___; oh man, it’s been so long since I’ve been on. Damn life… Not only did I miss the 3rd anniversary of my blog and my 600,000th hit, but I never got to say Happy Halloween or Happy Thanksgiving to my readers….failllllll…

Gah, let’s focus on something else: Lala DX! Yeah, it’s not Sylph. I was halfway through the September issue of Sylph when the urge to read shojo one-shots possessed me and I ended up getting Lala DX again. It’s been almost a year since I bought my last issue and I’m happy to find I can actually read the contents without too much of a struggle 8D MY SHOJO READING POWERS ARE INCREASING MUHAHAHAHA! *rolls around evilly*

After having such a nice experience being able to read reading Lala DX, I might start buying more issues again. Here’s a random quick peek into the Lala DX 11.2012 issue :3 (pictures are taken with my camera because Lala DX is fat and hard to scan ~)

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Arcana Famiglia Short #10: Liberta and His Guardian




Yay! A new Arcana Famiglia short after like…two months!

Hopefully I translated Short #10 right. I had a bit of trouble trying to figure out wtf Jolly was talking about. After wiki-ing Dante’s powers, I found out he has the ability to manipulate memories. So I’m guessing Dante likes to mess with Liberta and mind fark him? *shrugs* The manga hasn’t really touched on Dante at all. He’s like…barely even in the manga actually xD Hell, I think Felicita’s maids have had more screen time than Dante in the manga haha!

Dante: (ಥ_ಥ) if only I had boobs…then I’d have more exposure…

Uh…no, Dante. That’s not why the maids show up more than you. And also: ew.

PS. Dude, is Dante a pedo!? I mean, look at him in that last panel. That’s pedo-ing he’s doing, my friend. He’s even hiding in the shadows and everything!


Haven’t read the first 4-koma yet? Click here to start…from the beginning 8D


Well dang. I was hoping I could have posted this post as a “side note” but unfortunately my current theme doesn’t support different types of posts like my old one did. Doh!

Anyway, I figured I’d post my schedule for Spoils here so both you and I have a rough idea of what to expect in the future xD Here is what I’m looking at right now for February:

  1. Arcana Famiglia Short
  2. Lala February 2013
  3. Shounen Oujo chp 15
  4. Sylph September 2012
  5. Arcana Famiglia Short