Snippets: Okaken oneshot (March Issue)

I’ve finally starting my journey into the world of FFXIII. At first I was a little nervous from all the negative hype I’ve been hearing about it but so far I’m actually enjoying this game ^^
It’s been awhile since I’ve last enjoyed a FF game. See, I hated the sphere system of FFX Dx And Blitz Ball could go die with Sin.
I didn’t play FFXI because that’s online (and I’m not much of an online gamer ^^)
Lastly, I skipped FFXII because…Vaan wasn’t cute ^^; He looked like a mix between Barbie and Ken, and that’s creepy.
May FFXIII continue to be fun ^^ (because I’m looking forward to FFXIII-2 :3 Lightning looks badass <3)

Ah, sorry for showing off my gamer geekiness. To the one-shot!

This one shot is definitely amusing ^^
You know, I find it weird that while I’m not much of a fan of BL, I enjoy BL jokes.
Strange, right?
The reason I mention this is because Okaken likes BL jokes.
Heck the opening makes it look like two guys are about to do some “dirty” riding.

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