Shinigami Doggy

I was recently informed by the scanalation group, OTL-Scans, that they have picked up Shinigami Doggy (死神DOGGY), a series currently running in Comic Sylph :D
Yay ~ more Comic Sylph love
(My informant also hinted there may be future Comic Sylph series they intend to do :DDDD)
*confetti shower*
For those curious about the series,  here is a description found on Comic Sylph’s official page:


2人が繰り広げる ソウルレスキューDOGGY’Sライフ!!

Ken, the main protagonist of this story, is unfortunately killed in a traffic accident.
However, he is unable to pass over due to lingering attachments for his impoverished family back in the living world.
Appearing before Ken is a man who claims to be a “Shinigami.”
The “Shinigami” tells Ken if he agrees to a certain condition of his, he’ll save Ken’s soul from the afterlife!?
A haughty, sadistic Shinigami, and a boy who got another chance at living.
Watch their story of “soul rescues” unfold – it’s a DOGGY’s life!

I plan on reading this series when I get volume #1 (which is going to be out in February).
[Because I like reading the RAWs with the scanalations x3 It’s good practice for me!]

You can find the first chapter on OTL-Scan’s web site: Chapter #1

I’ll be adding Shinigami Doggy to my “Comic Sylph” page. If you’re interested in seeing what else is available, you can find that information here.

**icon is of Cornet from the video game Rhapsody**


Recently, I learned of an album by Sound Horizon called Marchen. The cover looked bad-ass (fairy tale awesome yo) so I decided to give it a try.
I have honestly no idea what’s going on xD This album sounds like it’s from some sort of musical play. People are talking one minute, then singing, then screaming as their arms are being sliced off before singing again (yeah, I’m like whut!? as well :O)
Curious as to what the hell it is I’m listening to, I decided to search around for some lyrics and translate them ~ If someone else benefits from these translations, then S-W-E-E-T ~ (maybe you all can tell me what this is about xD).

**Oh yeah, these lyrics have German in them. I may have a bit of the blood in me but I don’t know squat outside “sauerkraut.” So these parts will remain untranslated unless someone speaking German steps up to the plate (and judging by how unknown this blog is, chances of that are P-R-E-T-T-Y slim)**

Lastly: Emm, I like Mar. His voice is sexy. I’m not ashamed to admit that. Also, I love the strings (I’m a whore for strings such as guitars in my music ~). And wtf to Ode to Joy randomly playing xD
(This song really likes its run-ons and ambiguity in who the subject is o__o so sorry in advance if there are errors. I’m still practicing ~)

Included are random doodles I drew :3 (I’m not sure how the characters actually look – these doodles were how I pictured them in my head ^^)

Title: Song of the Twilight

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