Mass Opinion: Forest of Gray City (1-2), Dazzle (10), Moon Boy (1-3), Eureka Seven LN (1)

Hello there ~ how are you all this fine day? Me? I’m currently freezing my phantom nuts off :D I don’t know how but this place once again got hit by a cold front and is currently in the single digits. Add the wind blowing at a disgusting 20-30 mph rate, and you get weather that feels like it should be in the negatives.

This is the desert!
You know it’s bad when, last week, for 48 hours, the place where I’m currently residing at was colder in temperature than Alaska.
+_______+ ALASKA!
But it isn’t all negative ~ I finally put in my akadot order because they updated their inventory with February’s Sylph <3 And you all saw earlier I got the newest issue of Sylph (March Ed) from my new subscription x3
Sylph whore happiness ~~~

Anyway, the point of this post. I’ve actually been readings stuff surprisingly! Not only stuff from  my rightstuf order but some used books too – I heart used books stores x3 Rather than have individual posts, I’m just going to have one combined poster :3 Here are the series I’m going to talk about:

Series to look at:

  • Forest of Gray City (complete)
  • Dazzle #10
  • Moon Boy #1 – 3
  • Eureka Seven #1: Blue Monday (light novel)

Disclaimer: What you are about to read are my thoughts about a manga/anime/light novel I have read/watched. These posts are not intended to act as professional reviews or any of that jazz. It’s just me saying what I liked or didn’t like. Sometimes, I even troll on a series. Doesn’t mean it sucks. It just means I didn’t like it so I’m going to bitch about it ;D (because I spent money on it that I wished I hadn’t). If you liked the series that I didn’t like, that’s cool. Just ignore my post and leave it be. Same with if you hated a series I’m loving on. I’m just putting this warning so you all don’t get pissed at me (and understand what you’re getting into if you continue to read any further) :3 So I shouldn’t see any crazy comments telling me I suck – because I put a warning here ;D K?

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